I AM A FLORIDA NATIVE(Just Born in the wrong state). I have been here for over 25 years and I have watched this state go from Democratic to Republican to demo-publican control. What a shame. This is a beautiful state and very few folks are from here and the ones that are from here are the nicest people (and honest() that you want to deal with. Unfortunately our(their)great state has been taken over by ,what I call, the locust class.
These are the folks that moved here from New England and the mid west states that have been taxed to death, regulated to death and screwed to the wall for so many years, they became hateful followers of the "Nanny state" then moved here and demanded the same. After they have ruined the state,they move on to ruin the next.
Now our "moderate" republican, Mr. Nice-Guy" Arlen Spector wanna-be Governor has decided to run for the Senate. In the Senate where he can join the likes of Olympia Snowe and vote for only those Conservative ideas that are sure to fail so they can say they were for) and vote with the liberals on everything else.
Personally I would rather have a democrat, than a Republican that was going to stab you inb the back every chance he got. One should be very wary of any republican that says he "wants Bi-partisanship" this is just a codephrase for" I am really a democrat, but I don't want to to know until it is too late and I have all THE POWER I NEED.'
OUR "Chain-Gang Charlie" turned out to be just another moderate that checks a poll and(like Obama) says what you want to hear
then does what the dems tell him to do.
Democrats: Plantation Thinking Since 1792
9 years ago
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