DON'T PANIC-I only want to be President Cripster for 100 days. I am tired of hearing all the piss-moaning and groaning and no solutions. So in my first (and last)100 days I WILL:
--repeal all executive orders that are currently in place
--demand a copy of the existing tax code (in its entirety), call a press conference at dinner time,light the code on fire,cook hot dogs and BEEF burgers for one and all until the fire to goes out.Insist the existing code be completely eliminated.
--eliminate the IRS
--fire anyone in the White House who has not been elected or properly confirmed by the Senate
--eliminate the following cabinets entirely:education/epa/agriculture/art...OH HELL...I WILL ELIMINATE THEM ALL AND START FROM SCRATCH!
--politely ask the UN to move to a third World Country - if they don't comply-order the Marines to help them move to a third world country (or any country stupid enough to allow them on their soil). Put the property on E-bay and let someone convert it to apartments,business etc......
--demand that the HOUSE and the Senate do their jobs with no outside lobbyists to wine and dine and bribe and cajole them
--start the conversation on repealing the 16th amendment
--finish the conversation on a commerce tax with NO EXEMPTIONS-push for a 1% tax on all money that exchanges hands-eliminating all other taxes and fees and encourage states to do the same(eliminate property,tangible,inheritance,income etc...taxes)
--order the state department,pentagon,cia fbi and all other entities that have become enclaves of "Lifers",fire everyone.
--fight to eliminate the FED UNION and Union influence over Congress and the President.
--Reinstate all leases to oil,coal,uranium companies on US property and the Gulf of Mexico,Atlantic and Pacific Oceans(better yet, sell the property to these companies and use proceeds to repay debt).
--push Congress to repeal all subsidies( they are unconstitutional).
--demand a simple tort reform,"you lose,you pay" to include ALL court costs first,reward next,lawyers last
My first "Executive order"-restore the PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE to every classroom
My second Executive order- eliminate all funding to any country or entity that is an enemy of the STATE (that does not require Congressional action).
At least, with the above agenda, there is a possibility that a decent conversation could be started, the art of debate restored, and (just possibly) the fine art of civility(highly unlikely,but worth a shot) and responsibility returned to our legislative bodies.
NO LAWS,NO TAXES NO REGULATIONS should ever be imposed on the people of the UNITED STATES OF AMERICA by anyone nor any entity that is not DULY elected to represent THE PEOPLE AND THE CONSTITUTION !
Democrats: Plantation Thinking Since 1792
9 years ago