There appears to be a problem...Who Knew?
I am watching Glenn Beck and he has a guy on(I am cooking scallops-not really paying attention until...) The guy tells me he doesn't know why the "Mainstream " news isn't covering ACORN and the like: I DO (or at least suspect).
The mainstream News will not cover it in depth as long as the participants are beholden to ACORN and they are Democrats.
If one Republican is connected to ACORN in anyway (including having a relative 16 times removed) then they will not only cover it, they will jump in with both feet and it will be headline news for the duration of Obama's presidency.
The world is upside down. I listen to people, every day, that have no idea how to change or stop the tsunami that has hit this country. There is anarchy,"thugocracies,usurpation, etc. gong on in any place that dares hold a Town Hall meeting or something of the like, and there appears to be no end.
Government is working for its own end and has completely ignored the people.
Representatives and Senators are completely ignorant of our Constitution.
AND MORE.....WE ARE PISSED...........
The only way to combat these idiots is untoward DEFIANCE! What ever they pass-IGNORE IT! Whatever they say-Treat it as a lie.
The Justice system can only take so much, and if past history is any indication, the laws won't be enforced anyway. If by some chance they are enforced, you get free healthcare and three squares a day, plus activities!
The Congress is making us all crazy. The president is withholding the meds to help.
I wish i could be paid so well to scew up so much.
We have done this. We need to undo it!
Democrats: Plantation Thinking Since 1792
9 years ago