I have a hard time keeping a straight face when I hear our(Florida's) well-tanned, suave Governor declaring how he has lowered taxes,cut government, blah,blah,blah.
He is also saying that (today) he is against the stimulus package or is he for it...hard to tell, but if it is Friday, he must be for it.
He may have cut taxes for some, but I wasn't one of them, nor were any of my friend's or family's
taxes cut. If he is counting the property taxes, that was a shell game . For all the lowered taxes,property values went up, countys raised their millage rates, market rates went down,but the schools taxed on the higher County value....it is a mess!
Insurance rates are still going through the roof and the more Insurance companies that leave Florida, the less competition. We have our FABULOUS Citizens Insurance (Sounds rather USSR-ish doesn't it) who has been chafing at the bit to raise rates and our "PUBLIC" Service Commission has granted rate increases to everyone they are friendly to.
We knew the moment Gov. Crist hugged Obama that we were in for a time. Everything that this Governor touts as an "Example of great Governance" has backfired -costs have increased,people are leaving the state in droves because it is becoming a playground for the rich and famous-to Hell with the rest of us.
There are no jobs, (The countiess and the state have killed the golden goose with impact fees,permit fees,environmental hoops to jump through,code de jours, etc.) The education system is so bogged down with red tape and paperwork that the teachers don't have time to teach and when they do they are forced to teach a politically correct curriculum that has no meaning.
We have a Governor and Legislature than would rather be beholden to Washington, that maintain a sovereign state by using her God-Given resources. We now have a state that would rather fund China with "Green Technology" than drill for oil and gas off her own coast. Encouraging "green Technology is a scam at best, and a vicious attack on our way of life .
By the way, did you know our light bulb companies in the USA have closed and laid off employees and china is making these stupid, mercury laden light bulbs?
Having been forced to buy these things for our fan-light they last two only stood two weeks of their five year energy savings.....THEY ARE A CROCK! You can't see diddley with them, if you break them it takes a phone call to "Poison Control" to legally dispose of the mess and they last about 1/10th of the stated guarantee. Sorry I have wasted more gas and "Precious elements" getting replacements than ever before!
I don't trust these guys, I have to be convinced they mean what they say and say what they mean.....I am not so sure with Crist.
I THINK I'LL STICK WITH RUBIO........ I don't care what the news media says(I don't believe them any more either).
I suspect that if Gov. Crist is elected to the Senate, his vote will go with Olympia Snowe and the rest of the Democrats. I honestly don't know, it is hard to tell whether he is telling the truth now or before.....
Democrats: Plantation Thinking Since 1792
9 years ago