Friday, August 7, 2009


GEEZ, now that President Obama has instructed the Democrats to punch back twice as hard, and the unions have been called out and the Dem supporters have been called out; all to attend the scheduled town hall meetings violence has broken out.
In missouri it is reported that the town hall was stacked with thugs and the local residents were locked out, Thugs attacked an elderly gent trying to sell "Don't tread on me Flags". Tampa Florida had a group that was disruptive...
It is time to test your mettle and start attending any meeting that your Congressman calls.Do not be intimidated! Document with a camera phone,tape recorder or whatever method you have available , then forward said evidence to your local paper, Rush Lindbaugh and Glenn Beck, Sean Hannity etc.
We are being lied to and intimidated into following a course we do not want to take. I do not advocate fighting fire with fire, but I DO advocate getting incontrovertible proof out to show those who don't believe it can happen in America, exactly what is going on.
The only truth left out there is on the radio and one cable news channel-FOX, the rest of the media appears to be laying cover for
a corrupt "thugocracy". One can also discount the printed media, they too have become lap dogs.
For the life of I me, I don't understand why the News papers have fallen in lockstep with these dunderheads. They will ultimately be the biggest losers and most likely, first to be censored. Actually, it appears to have started already. If anything is written with a grain of truth, the writer is immediatly attacked verbally.
I don't know what is happening to this country, but I do know-I DON'T LIKE IT MUCH!
If some one out there wants to send this or report me to a completely unconstitutional "Fishy story" gathering site for the US GOVERNMENT, BE MY GUEST! I would welcome the fight.

Thursday, August 6, 2009


It is official, Sotomayor is now a Supreme Court Justice. Happy Days (sigh).
This is a person who has empathy for violators, looks to the World Court for her opinions, and has an Ultra-liberal background.
I weep for this Country and pray every day that cooler heads prevail.

I am watching Fox News as I type. Sheppard Smith just introduced our(Fla Sen) very own Mel Martinez as a conservative senator.
With all due respect-HE(Smith) IS WRONG....;. Martinez is just another "RINO" . This man has just said in so many words, that because Obama is president he must vote for Obama's nominee. I believe the quote was"elections have consequences".
Easy for him to say, he is not running for re-election. In the past he has voted in favor of illegal aliens, amnesty, and all other laws that benefit those who would cheat, rather than those that don't. He(I am assuming) is not running again because he knows we wouldn't vote for him.
The rest of those that have abdicated their responsibilities as Senators, must be thrown out too. Not just because of this vote, but all the others in the recent past. They are the same people that will acquiesce in the Health Care vote, the Cap and Trade and any other takeover of our freedom that comes across the Senate floor. they don't give a sweet and we must vote them out.
I know I am tired of being called a stupid hired ruffian, possible terrorist and mobster-I TRULY CARE ABOUT THIS COUNTRY AND FEAR FOR OUR FREEDOM,LIBERTY, and ECONOMIC FUTURE.

Tuesday, August 4, 2009


I am up to sec 155 of the health bill. Personally, I have not had to read crap like this since high-school (and there were at least classic comics to assist). It is no wonder the congress and senate have not read this bill as proposed. I feel bad for the staff who must read it.
So far all I have gleaned from this "mess of words" are the following:
1. Everyone must have healthcare, private or Government.
2. The healthcare that PRIVATE INDIVIDUALS choose,must be deemed suitable by the government-OR ELSE
3. So far (up to sec 155) there are two new bureaucracies and three others with elevated status(no where,(so far) has it been mandated that these bureaucrats must be on the same plan as mandated to us peons.
4. If I have interpreted the
properly, the rules can change on a daily basis-sort of a "reg De Jour" depending on what and who is to benefit at the time.
5. If you have a medical problem and regardless of your insurance plan, you are to be cured by committee.
6. This committee is not on salary,but will have travel expenses. I am assuming that they will be able to tele-commute to Washington from say, RIO?
7. As the cost of insurance and medical care increase(a normal thing) reimbursements to doctors and hospitals will not increase, your co-pays will increase.
8. All initial plans and subsequent rules and regulations must be in plain language (so even a congressman can understand) and must be disclosed prior to implementation; just like the bills that have been coming to floor for votes in the house and senate-right?
9. If one part of the bill is ruled unconstitutional, the rest of this monstrosity is unaffected and must be dealt with separately.I assume this means that this entire bill must be broken down to be rid of it if passed. This appears to be either payback for the lawyers support or the democrats idea of "new job" growth. Long live the largess of attorneys!

I have great faith that the American people will let these yahoos know exactly what they think of this (and other government grabs for power) ,however, I have no faith that Congressmen and Senators will listen and act for the good of this country. They have invested a lot in grabbing power and keeping it-It appears they aren't going to give it up now that they have a president that is just as power-hungry as they are.
We must remain vigilant at the ballot box-and all political activities leading up to the elections in order to keep tabs on election law violations-I suspect cheating will become even more prevalent), with recounts (until the number is right) intimidation at the polls(which is ignored by this administration) and above all watch for the results of the census(as collected and interpreted by ACORN and its affiliates .

Not to change the subject, but where are the objections to all the additional heavy metals and toxins that are now being added to the landfills? Cash for Clunkers is a HUGE SUCCESS right? A good portion of the vehicles crushed and deposited were perfectly running vehicles,traded in for government subsidized ecologically kind ,vehicles.They (the running,functioning vehicles) are then given a huge dose of polluting chemicals to permanently disable said vehicle, then it is crushed and (I guess) deposited in a landfill. No mention of salvaging parts,recycling etc...I guess the government has already driven those folks that could see to that portion of this debacle-out of business....How helpful is that towards saving the planet??????