HEY ALL YOU REPUBLICANS and DEMOCRATS! Politics do matter. It is up to the Conservatives out there to win over the "Politics as usual" gang. I know there are Democrats out there that are as conservative as I am. I also know that there are Republicans that are as conservative as I am....... There are races going on that the Republican party is spit and so are the Democrats...
WHAT TO DO?????? Convince those that are voting the status-Quo to vote their conscience.
I understand that voting for the Republican/Democrat(in Florida's case-Crist) may save the Senate seat for a Republican, but at what cost.If we are voting in the lesser of two evils-we are still voting in evil.....Make sense?
What if we all rallied for the PERSON that has read our constitution , believes in her, stands for her and VOWS to uphold her?
The party moniker no longer means anything-does it?
What difference does it make if you vote for the democratic candidate in Maine that lives and breathes socialism, marxism, communism or any other "ism" or a republican that does the same....absolutely none-we are still screwed-either way.
It is time to start rationally convincing those that vote because of recognition, to instead, vote for a human that understands what a short term in Congress means. It should be a service to their country, not a feather in their own cap.
I am sick of the Susan Collins, Olympia Snowes, Charlie Crists, Arnold Scwhartzneggers claiming the REPUBLICAN PARTY as their own and proceeding to become democratic patsies at every turn. Pelosi , Reid and Obama have play these people like a fiddle.
They have fallen for the bribes, the Newsworthiness, the perks bestowed and forgotten that they lived(not so many years ago) in the FINEST COUNTRY in the the world. They have forgotten that every time they go along, they get stabbed in the back shortly after. This is something that George Bush (43rd) didn't seen to get.
Democrats: Plantation Thinking Since 1792
9 years ago