SORRY! I know it has been awhile, but I truly have been angry and didn't really want to tKE IT ALL OUT ON YOU!
Well, no more keeping it in....There is something afoot. I can't put a finger on the exact cause of my trepidation. I guess, there are many causes.
First: The lack of attention paid to 80% of the population that wants Government OUT of our homes,our lives,our pocketbooks and our healthcare.
Second: What appears to be the deliberate devaluation of our dollar
Third: The lies, deceit and corruption of this administration
Fourth: The infiltration of radicalized Muslims into our armed forces
Fifth: The total lack of anger,compassion,concern for the victims of Fort Hood and other places around the world that have been attacked by these radical muslims.
Sixth: The escalation of anarchy in neighborhoods. Beatings, killings, covert planning of chaos by teenagers and young men and women
There is more but these are immediate concerns. The is has been a dumbing down of our education system,demonization of those that create jobs,wealth, and a standard of living to be envied throughout the world. The signals coming from Washington are mostly lies.
Things are a mess and the controlling party in Washington appears to be doing their best to make things worse.
When Obama preached Hope and Change- I am now assuming he meant he meant just the opposite- despair and "No change (left). He is going to push through cap & trade, health care and anything else that will leave this country a third world toilet so he can take over and control every aspect of our lives. It is a backdoor to legislation to remove guns from every home,control what you eat and where you buy it. The whole plan is insidious, but the Dems are all for it.....What is their perception of impending power, may ultimately be their demise., for I suspect that once this president has the power he wants-they will be enslaved-right along with the rest of us.......
ALL YOU TEA-PARTIERS AND 9-12ERS, :no matter how frustrated and tired you have become, please do not give up! We all have to push on and continue our revolution. VOTE THE BUMS OUT! WORK HAD TO RETAIN THE GOOD ONES AND ELECT REAL PEOPLE TO OFFICE THAT HAVEN'T SIPPED THE KOOL-AID OF THE POTOMAC!