Tuesday, April 20, 2010


ok I have to admit - I am a glutton for punishment! I hang around on FACEBOOK and get all the info on the latest candidates that are running in Florida-Thanks to Rick, Suzanne and Patrick! But I also listen to Fox news (obsessively so) I get the "Skinny" on other things going on in Washington.. It is rather depressing actually.
Today we heard from Senator Dorgan (D-ND) on how ALL the royalties from off-shore drilling (outside for 9 miles) should go to Washington! His excuse was to pay down the debt-but think about it...WHEN HAVE THEY EVER TOLD THE WHOLE TRUTH! I suspect it is because they are in trouble and need to "ENHANCE " the already budding slush find from TARP!
I suspect this jerk knows that the EPA,CONGRESS and The Idiots in Florida are blocking any drilling from 9 miles off shore, which means Dorgan WANTS IT ALL!
Before I send cash to anyone outside my district, I want to know if they have the" I want to use all of our resources-except the coast of Florida" or are they for using our GOD_GIVEN resources for the betterment of this COUNTRY!
For all of the howling against drilling in the Gulf-They neglect to take into account the advancements made they also are pandering to the "Eco-Freaks". There are ways-and they know it!
I, personally, have no use for someone who listens to the loudest voice and forgets about the solvency of this country. If they cannot separate their hunger for more campaign funding from "what is good for the country", they have no business in any race....
Anyone who thinks that this health-care bill will bring us prosperity or anyone who believes "Government is the answer" (in my book) should be shunned.
There-I am finished venting..... Now.I have no clue about this guy, but he appears worth looking into. I want my questions answered before I ever give a cent! But here is the entry that I copied for your perusal!
Susan Johannesmann via Ellen Snyder Ellen Snyder via Chad Lincoln Robert Lowry, Candidate to retire Wasserman Schultz, the Nancy Pelosi Clone. Robert is in the health care business with Assisted Living Centers, He knows the issues and he knows how to reverse this travesty. Let's get him to congress. Please dig and donate just $5.76, pocket change really, but with 100K supporters in we can have huge impact. This link is special donation page just for you, that goes to PayPal. All money goes right to the Cannidate. let's retire Wasserman Schultz, support Lowry Donate NOW!

Money Bomb-Robert Lowry for US Congress Florida's District 20
In my opinion, a Congressional Representative is elected to the House and sent to Washington, D.C. for two reasons: represent their constituents, and protect the Constitution.
about an hour ago · Comment · Unlike · Share

Monday, April 19, 2010


MISS ME??? (I doubt it) but that's OK..... I must confess I have been to absorbed in what is going on and being said on face-book. I am frightened for our Country and yes, ANGRY!
As the primary season approaches, we can all piss, moan and groan about what is happening in Washington, but (as noted in the healthcare bill) we can not do a damn thing about it. Our calls, our protests go unheeded and those of us with whom the Administration takes exception to, have been vilified, lied about and slandered.....It gets a bit disheartening.
I have begun to pay attention to the Florida races statewide. I have a strong feeling that the only way to clean up Washington is for each of us to clean up our own back yard...... The excrement has piled up as we hoped Mother Nature would take care of it for us! (so to speak).
Everyone running for elective office must be scrutinized and vetted by us-the media won't do it and it is certain that the candidates themselves have been known to exaggerate (to say the least). It reminds one of the mate-match website parodies..What you see-ain't what you get!!!
We can learn a lot by the self-description of the would-be candidates.You must also ask the candidates directly for answers to the questions you want answered. If you get no response-look elsewhere. If you get what amounts to a jazzy retort to a 2-step question....look elsewhere, I have found that how a candidate responds during a campaign is usually the same way he/she will be once elected.....We see the results of electing someone on glib remarks, glamorous sidesteps, out and out lies, and false promises.
I vow to do better. I vow to stand up for my principle and my beliefs-no matter the cost. If my friends no longer speak to me and can not offer a better argument then they were not friends in the first place.
That being said (my English teacher just cringed-I know it) I had thoroughly check out Marco Rubio - Florida is lucky to have him! I pray the other 56(BHO's Country) er 49 states(America) have the same caliper of candidate to vote for.
My sights have been set for Washington. I vow to spend the same amount of time and research on the Florida Governorship. So far the race has been rather boring. The candidates are either Liberal or Conservative wanna-be (hasn't proven himself yet) and now we have Rick Scott.
Mr. Scott may prove himself to be a TRUE Conservative, but the jury is still out.
In Rick Scott's FAVOR:
He has run a business
He is personable and appears comfortable in his own skin.
He believes in the Second amendment(Strongly)
He believes in LIFE and the preservation of Family
He actually seems to see a difference between LEGAL and ILLegal
I copied some of his campaign statement but I recommend that you go to his website and check him out. If you are on face-book-watch all of the videos posted with his speeches and comments..I believe you will be impressed.
The only "RED_FLAG" I have is his statement regarding energy. We need Nuke-plants,we .as Floridians must utilize ALL of our natural resources-not only for the benefit of the State, but also our Nation.
We must be able to drill off-shore and the state must benefit for the oil-leases. If the concern is truly Tourism, shipping oil in from great distances has a much greater
chance of accident (spillage) than a well maintained pipe-line over a short distance.
If the problem is "visual" (don't want to spoil the view) well make the oil companies create "Islands" ....neither of these perceived "problems" can not be over-come. The state needs the revenue from both oil and gas production and tourism...DEAL WITH IT! The country as a whole has been cheated out of our God-Given natural resources due to a loud, obnoxious,lying bunch of eco-freaks who could care less about the environment..they want your money and more government.
I too am a CONSERVATIONIST. This is natural. I too am a hunter and love the woods,the ocean,the lakes, and,yes, even the wildlife I hunt. I (as well as most hunters) understand the value of culling. We also understand that venison,wild duck,bison,have no chemicals in their systems and their meat is only as good as their food source. None of these creatures can survive without a good food source nor can they survive when their numbers grow faster and/or larger than their food source. On a personal note:hunting is much more economical and finer tasting than a cellophane wrapped,chemical-laden ,man-handled piece of meat! Plus you get gloves,vests,moccasins, eiderdown and really WARM hats! What can you do with cellophane? Choke a pet -but I suppose you do get those nasty little Styrofoam trays-eh? But I digress.....
With the exception of the oil-drilling thing....I do believe that Rick Scott is worth a "Look-see".
He could very well turn out to be our next Governor and, so far, we would be lucky to have him.
An excerpt from Rick Scott's Face-book profile:

Our Second Amendment Rights
"As a member of the NRA and a hunter, I’m a strong supporter of the Second Amendment. I will protect our fundamental right to keep and bear arms." - Rick Scott

Rick believes the right to self-defense is our most basic right. He owns several guns and enjoys hunting. With liberals in control of our federal government the Second Amendment is under assault. President Obama’s first appointment to the Supreme Court has ruled that the Second Amendment DOES NOT apply to states. Rick knows that we must have a Governor who can stand up to federal officials who want to erode our basic right to keep and bear arms.
Rick is an ardent supporter of the Second Amendment and a hunter.
Rick is a member of the NRA and a strong supporter of Florida’s sportsmen.
Rick believes that we should appoint commonsense judges who will adhere to the Constitution and will NOT legislate from the bench.
Border Security
"A legal immigration system where everyone plays by the rules is fundamental to our economic and national security." - Rick Scott

Immigrants founded America and as the land of opportunity we should welcome those who play by the rules and enter our country legally. Our government has failed to keep its promise to the American people to secure our borders and stop illegal immigration. By definition anyone who is here illegally has broken our laws and mocked our laws. As a nation that is based on the rule of law we must reject amnesty, send those who are here illegally home and secure our borders.
Rick believes border security is an economic and national security issue.
Rick is opposed to amnesty and will fight amnesty for lawbreakers.
Rick believes those who immigrate to America must come here legally, play by the rules and respect our laws.
"We must be good stewards of our natural resources. Florida’s natural treasures are the corner stone of the tourism industry that drives our state’s economy, and our beaches, rivers, lakes and parks are what make Florida a great place to live and raise a family." - Rick Scott

Rick is committed to conserving Florida’s natural resources.
Rick is committed to preserving the Everglades.
Energy Independence

Wednesday, February 24, 2010

What is wrong with these guys????

I need help here folks. I am having a hard time understanding the logic behind inane commercials to remind us all that we need to do our civic duty and return the Census form (filled out).
Number 1: the commercial is inane,makes no sense or just plain difficult to watch.
Number2: I HAVE NO CLUE HOW MUCH THEY HAVE SPENT -I suspect they don't either,nor do they care.
Number 3: How much was spent mailing out notices to EVERYONE that the census will be in the mail in 2 weeks?
Hey folks, wake up sip the old coffee! THIS IS YOUR MONEY THEY ARE SPENDING (and at this point your grand-children's money).
We have the equivalent of an Arizona Hot-Air Balloon fest going on in the House and Senate over Healthcare. By my calculations(granted my math stinks, but not as bad as theirs)Every word that comes out of Reid and Pelosie's mouth equals $1500.00. I timed her at appx. 100,000,000 words per minute- (Slight exaggeration)-WE ARE SCREWED!
Now that there is enough opposition, these two Yahoos are going to mess around with the rules so they can pass an unconstitutional piece of drivel anyway.
This is not the American political system that I studied in school.

The census could be printed on one of those 2-piece postcards-fill out the 3 LEGAL questions,tear it in half and drop it back in the mail!

Healthcare could be fixed with NO ADDITIONAL funding.
1. Pass a simple law that says "Loser Pays" in any and all lawsuits.
2. Repeal the 16th Amendment- once ratified replace with a 5% commerce tax to be collected at the State level. 2.5% to the state 2.5% TO THE FEDS-deal with it!
3. Repeal social security and medicare (including payroll deductions) for anyone born after 1970.
4. End federal funding of RD to Pharmasuticals.
5.Repeal all regulations pertaining to "Insurance Coverage". Allow "menu pricing" and Nationwide competition.
6. Privatize all Hospitals
7. Cease taxing savings accounts,intangibles,corporations,the dead,the air we breath, the water we drink...etc.....

Theses are steps to getting healthcare back in the hands of Doctors and patients.
The only "funding" the Federal Government should be doing is defense and National security,and interstate transportation systems.

Although it is debateable, Social Security Disability is laudable-It has been bastardized to include such things as obeseity,addiction and a myriad of other so called maladies instead of those disabilities that truly hinder ones ability to earn a living..This has to cease.

If the Feds get out of the way-The economy will grow,and the Americans will figure out how to solve all the rest....YOU ONLY NEED TO HAVE A LITTLE FAITH!

Saturday, February 20, 2010


Can anyone tell me if there are REAL people running for our State Legislature in FLorida? I am not even sure we have anyone but Alex Sink running for Governor.
It is most disheartening. We have Marcos Rubio running for the Senate,this is a good thing. We have Charlie Crist running for the Senate instead of Governor, this is also a good thing.
Unfortunately I hear nothing from Bill McCullum. I am afraid he is a just another Christ and is afraid to get out there and let anyone know about his true self. Sure he SAYS he is conservative, but so did Charlie and we got screwed.
This poor state has been rendered helpless to improve by a bunch a power hungry legislators and a California "wanna-be" Governor. IT SHOWS....
We have virtually no housing starts, so many exemptions for political insiders and contribute rs the tax system is useless,and so many deals made with the environmental "Wackos that our hands are tied when trying to lure new business.
The wimps will not fight the Sierra Club nor the "Big Tourist" Industry in order to use our God Given energy sources,nor will another Nuclear plant be built(regardless of what Obama says). The regulations,permits etc. are so convoluted even if Florida Power wanted to (really) it wouod take ten years(at least) lots of electric fee increase and an act of God to break down. Then, thank you to Obama, the one storage facility for the waste has been closed.
Some one has to have the "BRASS B---s " to stand up for this state and start to turn the tide on the corrupt "Good Ole Boy" network that currently controls this state and her well-being.
We have a wonderful state(or did) and for the 29 years that I have lived here, I have watched it go down hill to join the ranks of New England and California.
The entire time our legislatures and Governors have been enacting restrictions on business they have the audacity to complain they don't have enough money.
Our taxes have tripled, the Insurance Industry has received everything they asked for and now very few can afford to live here.
I suspect that if someone were to really dig, they would find the reason this state has such a high foreclosure rate is the sudden increase in homeowners insurance and real estate taxes. I firmly believe that a large number of people could afford their mortgages when they applied and bought their homes but the insurance companies raising their rates and Our "Government Insurance Citizens" charging outrageous rates and even more outrageous increases every year have made "TI" portion of the PITI, that's principle,interest,taxes,insurance (mortgage payment) quite suddenly out of their league. For example, the insurance and tax portion of my Mom's mortgage is almost twice what her principle and interest is.
If Crist REALLY wanted to fix all this, he would have pushed to have the Insurance companies go back to be "NATIONAL" and not SATE ONLY companies. BUT NOOOOOOOOOOOO,
he decided that the State could do better....
This entire country is in a fix....Isn't there anyone out there that is honest and doesn't just run for the perks of power?