I recieved this notice:this morning:
Whip Cantor Joins Coal-State Republicans
at Cap-and Tax Press Conference:
National Energy Tax is Wrong for Coal Country and Will Cost Americans Jobs
WASHINGTON – With House Democrats scheduled to bring their national energy tax to the floor this week, Republican Whip Eric Cantor will join coal-state Republicans at a press conference Wednesday morning. Rep. Cantor and lawmakers will highlight why the Waxman-Markey cap-and-trade plan is wrong for their states, wrong for middle class consumers, families and small businesses, and wrong for our struggling economy.
PARTICIPANTS: Eric Cantor, Republican Whip (VA.)
Rep. Shelley Moore Capito (W.VA.)
Rep. John Shimkus (IL.)
Rep. Cynthia Lummis (WY.)
Rep. Aaron Schock (IL.)
Rep. Fred Upton (MI.)
Rep. Pete Olson (TX.)
Rep. Roy Blunt (MO.)
WHEN: Wednesday, June 24, 2009
10:15 AM
WHERE: H-307, The Capitol
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I find it sad the only only states that appear to be interested in stopping "CAP AND TRADE ". Why haven't the oil-producing states, the coal to gas states, natural gas states etc... had the BRASS to join these Representatives.
I get it(sort of) The Coal-producing states have been abased,chastised and threatened by this administration. There were statements made through the campaign to shut down coal operations, they have to fight fort he livelihoods of there respective constituents . I admire their tenacity.
What I would like to know is where is the likes of Republican Rep. Biliraks from Florida? Where are any other Rep.s from Florida? For that matter, where are the reps from ANY oil producing state? Why aren't they standing with the coal-producers?
Could it be that the oil companies are going to benefit from this Cap and "degrade" Legislation?
This administration has proven that it will select the "Winners and Losers" as he sees fit. Lord knows what has transpired behind closed doors. IT IS SICKENING........WE ARE LOSING OUR COUNTRY TO THE UNIONS AND TO A BUNCH OF MARXISTS !
If Florida can be a microcosm of the country, let us use her as a small example of "political selection" . Our(Florida) Legislators (stupidly )passed an enormous tax on tobacco products to ostensibly raise revenue for this poorly functioning state.
In today's paper 500 jobs were lost overnight when they closed the historic cigar factory in Ybor City. Lets see how it works out-
selling cigarettes and cigars raised revenue for years when they were affordable. Government(both state and Federal) got greedy so the studies were done and the warnings issued. The Government decided it was bad for you and someone decided they didn't like the smell. So the argument was framed (first) that if we tax them, we can use the money to offset health care costs. Well, that didn't work. As the price increased folks started to quit and revenues went for anything but health care.
as buyers stopped buying, revenues dropped further so those that will control your life,added more taxes-told you how many more dollars this would bring in(lying through their teeth),the price went further beyond reason anyway.
Now we have 500 documented cases of NEW FOUND JOBLESS-just in time to receive the Governments largess in the form of MANDATED unemployment benefits and as the economy worsens, will become eligible for welfare(more government largess) just in time for elections.......This allows the uneducated,uninformed,nosier-than-thou idiots to continue to elect these bums so they,the fools, don't lose their "FREE MONEY".
Follow threw logically. Think about EVERY STUDY that you have heard or read about. If the President, any legislator,any Newspaper touts the study as " the Study to end all Studies"..Look out. Something related will become a dire situation, THEN CRITICAL, THEN FINALLY A CRISIS. It is at the crisis stage when the yentas of Congress and State Legislators(with the help of the President and Governors) will announce that because there is a revenue shortfall and this or that(fill in what you find most enjoyable) is not healthy for you and makes you a burden on health care, you must be forced to stop, therefore we are placing a huge tax on it. This will kill two birds with one stone-it will save our country and help YOU do what is right(in our minds) all at the same time-happy days. write the bill in lengthy legalese then publish a large enough document that no one will have the time or inclination to read, pick out the good words in the document, stretch them out to create a good impression ,vote,pass,
send to Obama to sign,then leak out how rotten a bill it is -make a public statement"sorry to late-it passed-you're screwed-ha ha!(DITTO FOR THE STATES)
This is the "reader's Digest version". In truth this has been going on for years. The condemnation of everything from alar to freon, SUV's and trucks have been demonized in order to reach this point in legislative boondoggles.In the name of saving us from ourselves, we must raise energy rates,raise taxes,limit business,screw this country in general for the sake of saving the planet.
f there was a brain in one of there heads, they would know the key to prosperity is controlling your own resources,utilizing them to the fullest and exporting(selling) the rest. This has been a proven fact-it is a proven fact, but the current administration wants GLOBAL CONTROL, Global Uniformity-He is "president of the world". If ALL countries look like Kenya, he gains POWER FOR LIFE!(and those that support him are the big winners).
Democrats: Plantation Thinking Since 1792
9 years ago
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